Security and incident management


Different event types, scales and scopes need different levels of security, so you should determine your needs as part of your risk assessment, including crowd control, and cash and equipment protection. Consider engaging appropriate security if event infrastructure will remain at the event site overnight.

Council and/or the Queensland Police Service may require you to engage police officers on special duties, security guards or crowd control at your own expense. Please contact Queensland Police Service on 131444 to determine their requirements.

Crowded places, particularly for major events, may require additional security precautions. Suspicious activity including terrorist threats should be considered as part of the event planning process. For further information refer to the Australian National Security website.

Incident management

Generally, an incident is defined as any event, condition or situation which: causes disruption or interference to an event; causes significant risks that could affect members within an event; impacts on the systems and operation of the event; and/or attracts negative media attention or a negative profile for the event or organisation.

It is important to have an incident response procedure to deal with anything that may occur. In addition to initial response, this should also include how you will report on, and keep records of, incidents. The following templates may by useful:

Event information tent

We recommend that Redlands Coast events should, as good practice, have an event information tent / stand in an accessible and easy-to-find location. A good position is near your first aid area to create a central location for reporting incidents, lost and found property, lost children and provide general event information.