Redland City Council is proud to promote community events that enrich the experiences of residents and those visiting Redlands Coast. Some avenues for promotion (pending approval from Council) include our Redlands Coast Visitor Information Centre, digital screens and display of posters at Council facilities.
Redlands Coast Visitor Information Centre
Once your event has a listing on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse, you can provide promotional material to Council’s Community Events Team who will display it at the Redlands Coast Visitor Information Centre located at 50 Middle Street, Cleveland as space allows.
For event flyer distribution, please provide 50 flyers (DL or A5 size):
- In person: Customer service desk, ground floor, Redland City Council Administration Building, corner of Bloomfield and Middle Streets, Cleveland
- Mail to: Community Events Team, Redland City Council, P.O. Box 21, Cleveland, QLD 4163
Council sponsored events- use of Council logo
If you have received sponsorship from Redland City Council for your event, please provide a draft of any posters, flyers or brochures with the Council logo to Council’s Community Grants Team via email for review and approval before you distribute them.
Once you have received approval on the use of the Council logo you can provide flyers and posters for display at Council’s Customer Service Centres, libraries and Redlands Coast Visitor Information Centre as space allows.
For event flyer distribution, please provide 200 (DL or A5 size) flyers or brochures and 12 posters (A4 or A3 size):
- In person: Customer service desk, ground floor, Redland City Council Administration Building, corner of Bloomfield and Middles Streets, Cleveland; or
- Mail to: Community Events Team, Redland City Council, P.O. Box 21, Cleveland, QLD 4163.
Council sponsored events – equipment hire
Events that have received sponsorship from Redland City Council are required to display Council flag banners that can be booked by completing an event equipment hire form.